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Extended Day

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Extended Day

Breakfast Club

We have a breakfast club from 8.00-8.45am.  The session price will include a breakfast consisting of toasted bagels or a selection of cereals.

Session Cost
8.00am-8.45am £2.00

After School Care Club

There are a range of activities available for the children to take part in, as well as space to do their homework, read and relax.  The session price will include a healthy sandwich, a piece of fruit and a drink.

The Club will be open each day, from 3.30pm to 6.00pm.  The cost of the session is:

Session Cost
3.30pm-4.30pm £4.00
3.30pm – 6.00pm £13.00

Bookings will be taken on a half-termly basis, and must be paid for weekly in advance.

Please here to see our After School Care Club Information and Application form.


To book a place for your child, please logon to Arbor (https://login.arbor.sc/) and register your child for the session required.

After School Activity Clubs

A variety of clubs are offered at Blenheim School for both fun and enrichment purposes. These are a mix of clubs provided by our own staff and external providers.