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Headteacher Welcome

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Headteacher Welcome


Welcome to Blenheim Primary School. We are a community that is committed to developing exceptional learners. The school is proud of its diversity- diversity in all respects. We endeavour at all times to ensure that we create an open and warm atmosphere in which our children and staff can feel appropriately challenged by high expectations and able to fulfill their widest human potential by feeling safe and contented. We truly believe that every child can achieve across our broad and challenging curriculum when given the right support.

We are relentless in our vision to ensure that every child develops a love of learning and set ambitious aspirations for themselves and strive to achieve them. We believe education will provide our children with more opportunities and offer them more choices in life. We aim for children to be resilient, brave and confident in order to face the challenges that lie ahead.  

We believe that every child should learn the skills for life-long learning and be supported to develop as good citizens who contribute fully to their community.

Ms R. De-Graft Incoom