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Our Curriculum

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Our Curriculum 

The Curriculum at Blenheim

At Blenheim Primary School, our pupils benefit from and enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes their spiritual, moral, cultural, emotional and physical development. Our Curriculum is our driver in learning and something we as a whole-school community are very passionate about. In addition to our school curriculum, we place a big emphasis on creating learning opportunities which children will remember forever. As part of the Education for the 21st Century Trust, we are very fortunate to have access to school minibuses, meaning that we are able to enjoy educational activities off-site regularly to further enhance pupils’ learning experiences.  

Each class studies major topics over the course of the year. In Foundation subjects, this will be one topic per term. At the beginning of each Science, History, Geography and RE topic, the children are given a quiz to ascertain their existing knowledge. They are also given a knowledge organiser to support them with their learning throughout the topic. At the end of each topic, the children are given the same quiz to ascertain what they have learnt over the course of the term. The school ambassadors and subject leads carry out Pupil Voice surveys from a range of children in each year group. This helps the subject leads to understand what the children are learning within these lessons and what knowledge they are retaining.

Wherever possible, our reading, grammar, writing and maths skills are also integrated and developed throughout the wider curriculum. In History, Geography and RE, this may involve writing a non-chronological report about one area of the topic. In science, this may involve writing-up an investigation that they have carried out. In addition, the children will use aspects of maths in these lessons such as drawing or interpreting graphs.

The children are provided with opportunities to showcase their work during sharing assemblies and are given further opportunities to develop their knowledge through class trips.


What subjects do we teach? 
At Blenheim, we teach all subjects of the National Curriculum which include reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, geography, art and design, music, RE, modern foreign languages, PSHE and citizenship, PE and Games. 

In 2014, the Department for Education launched a new Primary National Curriculum which set new aspirational age-related expectations for all pupils in each year group. To discover more about our curriculum subjects, please visit our subject vision pages. 


EYFS – Reception

In EYFS, children will experience the seven areas of learning that are outlined in the DfE Guidance – Development Matters. This is organised under the following areas:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Art and Design

These areas underpin the organisation of the learning environment; the activities provided for children and the monitoring of children’s progress and development.