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Computing is an integral part of our lives and technology is constantly changing. At Blenheim Primary School, computing is taught to all pupils to equip children with the skills and confidence to use technology safely and responsibly. We train our pupils to become responsible digital citizens with a strong regard to E-Safety and cyber awareness.

Computing is fun and purposeful but is also challenging, creative and engaging. Our curriculum, which follows the National Curriculum, offers the children a wide range of experiences, ranging from programming Micro Bits, making Doodlers, editing films, creating presentations, and communicating in a range of ways. It is important to us that the skills gained are lifelong skills. Digital competence is as important as reading in the modern world.

We teach computing through a number of key strands:

Computer Science

Information Technology

Digital Literacy

Internet Safety

These core areas provide children with a broad range of opportunity including: Programming, creating media, data handling and learning about computing systems and networks.

We have a wide range of resources ranging from iPads, Micro Robots, laptops and a Robotic programming club!