Welcome from MS de-graft incoomIt would usually be around this time that we would be welcoming our new entrants to their first play afternoon at Blenheim Primary School. These afternoons are a highlight for me and many members of our team, as it is a time full of excitement and curiosity – and that is just the parents! Unfortunately, due to the current climate, these sessions can’t happen right now, but, all being well, we hope to welcome you and your child for our one to one meetings in September. We have created your own dedicated part of the school website not only for you to access information, but also to provide your child with stories being read by members of our staff. We hope that they can get to know some familiar faces and voices before they start in September. So, a virtual welcome to all of you, from myself and all of the Blenheim team, we look forward to welcoming you in person in September.
Hello and Welcome to Bristol Class! We are very excited that you’re starting at our wonderful school and cannot wait to meet you.
Your new school teacher is: Miss Larkin
Mrs Clark will be your Classroom Teaching Assistants and she will be able to help you in your new classroom.
Mrs Clark |
Other adults you might see or meet in school
Ms De-Graft Incoom |
Mrs O'Connor |
Mrs Hagues |
Starting School Activities
To listen to and watch staff and friends of Blenheim read stories, please click on the below links. If the images do not work on the device you’re using, please scroll down and select the title from the booklist.
Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
Whatever Next by Jill Murphy
Kitchen Disco by Clare Foges & Al Murphy
Elmers Special Day by David McKee
Bears Magic Pencil by Anthony Browne and friends
Freddie and the Fairy by Julia Donaldson.
Catch me if you can by David Styring and Jo Byatt
Aliens Love Dinopants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson
The Moon in the Pond by Chris Dowling
Monkeys Magic Pipe by Pat Thompson
Little Monkey by Marta Altez
Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson
Ike’s Incredible Ink by Brianne Farley
Blow Your Nose, Big Bad Wolf by Steve Smallman
The Mist Monster by Kirsti Beautyman
Lights on Cotton Rock by David Litchfield
The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright
The Very Greedy Bee by Steve Smallman
– Ants in Your Pants by Julia Jarman