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Pupil Leadership

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Pupil Leadership

Head Boy - Max Head Girl - Yafi
Deputy Head Boy - Daniel Deputy Head Girl - Pracheeta


Every class from Year 1 to Year 6 elects a Class Representative to voice their views and interests regarding school life. Regular pupil leadership meetings are held with Mrs Hagues.

These representatives bring ideas from their class and we debate and decide action on these in the meetings.  Any outcomes are communicated back to the class by the representatives.

This year’s Pupil Leadership and their deputies are: 


University of York Ted and Eliana
University Kings College London Talla and Caitlyn
University of Cambridge Meadow and Heidi
University of Manchester Mason and Rosa
University of Oxford Isla and Ishaan
University College London Yafi, Pracheeta, Max and Daniel


Our Curriculum Ambassadors

Computing Mia
PE Pheobe
PHSE and RE Megan
Lexi Music
Maths Fawaz
Art Bridie
English Writing Zi
English Reading Pharoah
Inclusion Evie
Geography and History Samuel
Science Bridie